Ningbo Yiduo Plastic Products Co., Ltd is a factory that produces shower caps. We manufacture various shower caps. With the improvement of quality of life, people began to lean towards more hygienic and healthy showers and shower caps were also developed at this time. In order to prevent hair from getting wet or prevent water from entering the ears, people invented a waterproof cap used to wrap hair and ears. For catering to different preferences of customers, the appearance of our showers caps we made is beautiful, fashionable and with high quality.
According to different classifications, shower caps can be divided into many types. If classified by material, there are PE shower caps, EVA shower caps, polyester shower caps, satin shower caps and so on. If classified by usage frequency, there are disposable shower caps and non disposable shower caps. If classified by age, there are kids’ shower caps and adult shower caps. In addition, there are single-layer and double-layer shower caps and the double-layer shower cap has an inner lining, which will be more waterproof and thick.
We have been a supplier of shower caps for many years and most of our customers have customized needs. Our company have customized shower caps for many customers in terms of size, material, printing, color and more. As long as you send us the customization details, we will draw a sketch according to your requirements for your confirm or you can send the design file directly to us for production.
Gure fabrika Zhejiang probintziako ekialdean dagoen Ningbo batean dago eta kostaldeko hamalau hiri irekietako bat da. Yiduo konpainiak duela hamarkada bat baino gehiago darama dutxa-txapelak ekoizten. Txinan egindako gure dutxa-txapelak nazioartean eta nazioartean saltzen dira. PEVA dutxako txano hau gehien saltzen dena da kanpoko diseinu sinpleagatik eta kalitate handikoagatik. Dutxa-txapel mota desberdinak fabrikatzen ditugu, hala nola, satinazko dutxa-txapelak, peva-ko dutxa-txapelak, PVA-ko dutxa-txapelak eta abar. Gure produktuak interesatzen bazaizkizu, mesedez jar zaitez gurekin harremanetan edozein unetan.
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